Which laboratories can help me?

An independent MicroVal expert laboratory executes the validation study. It is chosen by the manufacturer from the database of laboratories established by the MGC. Expert laboratories are EN-ISO 17025 accredited in the field of the expertise claimed.

Collaborative laboratories are selected by the MicroVal Expert laboratories. They participate in the interlaboratory study. Collaborative laboratories must comply with EN-ISO 17025 but do not need to be accredited.

The independent MicroVal expert laboratory is in charge of the co-ordination and the supervision of the three phases of the validation procedure:

When selecting a MicroVal expert laboratory to conduct your ISO 16140 study, consider the following key recommendations:

  1. Accreditation: The EN-ISO 17025 accreditation scope must encompass the EN-ISO standard(s) utilized in the validation study as reference method(s).
  2. Training and Competency: Ensure that the laboratory is fully trained in the alternative method technology being validated and that their personnel is technically competent in its operation.
  3. Independence: The laboratory and the method developer should have no financial, business, or regulatory ties, aside from a customer relationship. Any deviations from this rule may be allowed by the MVTC on a case-by-case basis.

These critical points ensure the laboratory selected for your ISO 16140 study is both qualified and impartial, preserving the integrity and credibility of the study results.

Expert laboratories

Below is the overview of experienced MicroVal Expert laboratories. Please contact the MicroVal secretariat for more details.
Updated: December 2024

Expert laboratory Accreditation Contact person Email address Address
ADRIA Développement(all matrices) Certificate Mrs. Astrid Cariou astrid.cariou@adria.fr Z.A. Créac’h Gwen, 29196 Quimper Cedex, France
Campden BRI (all matrices) Certificate Mrs. Suzanne Jordan suzanne.jordan@campdenbri.co.uk Station Road, Chipping , GL55 6LD, United Kingdom
Q-Laboratories (all matrices) Certificate Mrs. Erin Crowley ecrowley@qlaboratories.com 1930 Radcliff Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204, USA
Eurofins WFC (all matrices) Certificate Mr. Taco Wijtzes twijtzes@foodconsult.nl Kolk 27, 4241 TH Arkel, The Netherlands
Microsept (all matrices) Certificate Mr. François Le Nestour f.lenestour@microsept.fr 15, Rue Denis Papin, Z.A. La Sablonnière, 49220 Le Lion d’Angers, France
Actalia (food matrices) Certificate Mr. Philippe Trossat p.trossat@actalia.eu Rue de Versailles 39801 Poligny, France



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