Microval welcomes three new MicroVal Technical Committee Members

MicroVal (NEN) is happy to welcome three new members of the MicroVal Technical Committee (MVTC). They are Eva van Hees (TLR International Laboratories), Guodong Zhang (FDA), and Kirsten van Kooten (Eurofins WFC). With them, MicroVal has 28 members for this technical committee.

The #MVTC governs the validation process towards #certification and conducts #validation studies. It consists of voluntary members with a relevant background in #microbiological #food #safety, #laboratory #research, #method validation, and certification. The MVTC shall strive to have a balanced representation of the different stakeholders so that no single interest predominates. Admission for new members to the MVTC will be judged on a case-by-case basis. They are appointed for a period of four years.

The MVTC consists of Campden BRI (UK), Merck Life Science / MilliporeSigma (USA), Danone (France), ADRIA (France), Nestlé (Switzerland), Mérieux NutriSciences – Global (USA), Hygiena (France), bioMérieux (Spain), Q Laboratories (USA), TLR International Laboratories (The Netherlands), Laboratoire Microsept  (France), Neogen Corporation (France), FDA (USA), Thermo Fisher Scientific (UK), Eurofins WFC (The Netherlands), AOAC INTERNATIONAL consultant (USA), NVWA (The Netherlands), LRQA (The Netherlands), Actalia (France), Bio-Rad Laboratories (France), and IEH Laboratories and Consulting Group (USA).

Contact details can be found on this page on our website.

MicroVal at the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition

We are excited to announce that MicroVal will be hosting a session at the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore, USA.

Curious about what MicroVal is and how we operate? Join us on Monday, August 26, 2024, from 17:30 to 18:30 in the Essex meeting room for an in-depth look at MicroVal. During this session, members of the MicroVal committees will present an overview of our activities, the collaboration between AOAC and MicroVal, the validation of larger test portion sizes, and share success stories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about MicroVal. Joost Witsenburg and Eric Kamst from the MicroVal secretariat, along with many others involved, will be present and eager to meet and engage with you.

Attendance of the MicroVal session is free. For information on how to register for the Annual Meeting, please visit the AOAC INTERNATIONAL website: 2024 Annual Meeting Registration – AOAC INTERNATIONAL

Mark your calendar and join us at the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore! We look forward to seeing you there!